Crowlees CE (c) Junior & Infant School

Cute crow character designs

The cute male and female crow characters designed for Crowlees Junior and Infant School

Crowlees CE (c) Junior & Infant School worked hard to make their school values more memorable and meaningful. Working with pupils, Staff and Governors they came up with 8 values that describe their ethos and when displayed together spell out “Crowlees”.

The headteacher, Kathy Woods, commissioned School Postcards to develop a cute crow character to help them successfully introduce the school’s new school values in a way which would engage and appeal to the children. We created both a male and female crow character. The new character designs were used to illustrate each of the school’s 8 new values:

  • Compassion
  • Respect
  • Outstanding
  • Working Together
  • Learning
  • Enjoyment
  • Equality
  • Safety

The pupils were asked to name the crow characters. The names chosen are “Mo-Crow” and “Jo-Crow”. The headteacher, Kathy Woods says:

“Keep a look out – they will be popping up all over the place!”

The crows feature on a set of medal postcards designed for the school to promote their new values and praise the pupils for good work and behaviour. We also created some striking wall graphics starring the new crow character designs to highlight their new school values.

The cute male and female crow characters designed for Crowlees Junior and Infant School
We designed the school's crow characters to engage the primary pupils with the school's new values